Basic Controls
1. Left click cell to select it
2. Press letter key to place object
3. Right click to remove object
4. Click top corners to change object settings
T - Trigger
Shoots bullets in specified direction
ss - very slow (16 beats)
s - slow (8 beats)
n - normal (4 beats)
f - fast (2 beats)
ff - very fast (1 beat)
n - north
e - east
s - south
w - west
M - Melody
Plays musical note when hit by bullet
Wave type:
si - sine (pure tone)
sq - square (harsh)
tr - triangle (soft)
st - sawtooth (buzzy)
Notes: C4 to B5
C4, D4, E4, F4, G4, A4, B4
C5, D5, E5, F5, G5, A5, B5
N - Noise
Plays drum sound when hit by bullet
Drum type:
kd - kick drum
sn - snare
hh - hi-hat
tm - tom
D - Deflector
Changes bullet direction
n - north (up)
e - east (right)
s - south (down)
w - west (left)
G - Gate
Controls bullet passage
1 - let every bullet pass
2 - let every 2nd bullet pass
3 - let every 3rd bullet pass
4 - let every 4th bullet pass
r - random (50% chance)
S - Sample
Plays audio sample when hit by bullet
X - Splitter
Creates additional bullets perpendicular to incoming bullet direction
When hit horizontally: creates N and S bullets
When hit vertically: creates E and W bullets